Google reviews in apartment marketing.

The Role of Google Reviews in Apartment Marketing and Leasing

October 25, 2023 9:15 am Published by Leave your thoughts
Last Modified: March 12, 2024 9:40 am
Reading Time: 16 minutes

Your apartment reviews and reputation management are the new stars of the show when it comes to apartment marketing and leasing! Google reviews directly impact your occupancy rate. Digital reviews have taken the world by storm and your future tenants often want to consult their peers before making a decision. The world of apartment reviews has opened a new marketing strategy that can either make or break your lease growth and online visibility.

Google reviews specifically play possibly the biggest role, as your future residents likely spend the most time searching there. Your Google reviews can also impact your SEO (search engine optimization) and could be the reason that your prospects are not following through on scheduling a tour. Ensure that your property managers are up to date with the latest strategies to get new reviews. The more reviews you have and the better they are, the more residents you will obtain in the long run!

Why Google Reviews are the New Word-of-Mouth for Apartments

Previously, word of mouth was the most trusted source when it came to hearing about a place to live. Your friends or family would often share their experiences, and you would take their word seriously as they’re a person you trust. As technology has advanced, that same experience has now taken a digital landscape. A powerful apartment website and advertising strategy is only one component of a successful multifamily marketing plan. Your Google reviews stand as a cornerstone in the decision-making process of any future resident.

Often, when deciding between your property and another, prospects will use the reviews to determine how to move forward. Consider how methods like influencer marketing and social media have taken the world by storm, the same goes for reviews. People want to know how their peers feel, and they take their word seriously! Ensuring that you have a seamless process to get more high-quality reviews will make an extraordinary difference in your online apartment presence.

Your online reputation and quality of reviews matter! What would happen if every happy resident in your community left a satisfied review? Your resident acquisition and marketing would become extremely advanced, and you would possibly be able to leave behind outdated marketing efforts. Not to mention, the importance of online reputation when it comes to someone choosing their home. This is not as simple as a decision of where to eat or shop. Finding your next home is a huge step, and there are many emotional elements involved. When your future residents have the reassurance of current residents, they know that they are making the right decision.

Learn how you can utilize your apartment reviews on Google to transform your digital strategy and resident growth! By understanding further how Google reviews work, you can ensure you have a process in place that will maximize the number of reviews you have, as well as increase the positive and decrease the negative testimonials.

Gaining more apartment reviews.

The State of Apartment Marketing Today

Traditional vs. Digital: How marketing strategies have evolved.

Traditional methods of apartment marketing often involve printed materials, brochures, and other non-digital approaches. As your property explores growing in the future, it will be more important than ever to embrace digital strategies, specifically related to testimonials. It is no secret that your future residents spend significant amounts of time on their mobile devices. From searching on Google to scrolling on social media, we live in a digital-first world.

Any property that doesn’t take full advantage of bettering its testimonials will ultimately run into issues time and time again. The truth is, your property could be extremely desirable, but lacking in Google reviews could result in further downfall and negative growth. Marketing strategies continue to evolve, but increasing your apartment’s Google reviews is here to stay. The impact of positive testimonials goes beyond just acquiring new tenants, as it can also impact your current community’s reputation.

The Digital Front Door: Why your online presence matters.

You may be wondering, why does your online presence matter? Apartment digital marketing consists of many layers that combine to give you a healthy online presence. The right online presence will lead to more traffic to your website, resulting in more leads and leashes. In contrast, a negative online presence will likely be the reason that your property becomes stagnant and loses growth. The beauty and stressor of Google reviews, is they’re often one of the first things that appears when someone searches for your property on the search engines. The goal is to have your property overflowing with positive apartment reviews!

Why Google Reviews Matter

First Impressions:

Since many of your future residents have likely stumbled upon your property online, apartment reviews will often be the first opinion that they have of the community. Many of your prospects will start looking at the reviews before they even explore the website or floor plans. Reviews shape our opinions and they give us insight into what is really happening within this community. First impressions matter and can make or break the leasing process.

Trust Factor

Just as you trust your peer for advice, reviews work in the same way. They allow people to get a second opinion, rather than just taking a leap of faith. Since moving is such a large decision, this gives your future renters more confidence and the push they need to actually sign a lease. 

Credibility and Trust:

Reviews also stand as a form of credibility and legitimize your community. They can help showcase you as the best option amongst your competitors! Since the internet hosts so much information, they also add a level of transparency and surety, when someone is reviewing information. Many people disregard apartments that do not have reviews, as they’re not sure that anyone actually lives there. 

Local SEO Benefits:

Google knows that reviews are important and has catered its algorithm to boost your property if there are more reviews! Your local SEO is greatly impacted by your Google reviews. Local SEO allows you to gain more traffic and also places you higher within the maps section in the search engine. A lack of reviews could be the reason that your competitors are ranking higher than you! 

Influence on Decision-Making:

Your future resident has toured your property, reviewed your floor plans, and are ready to make their decision; however, they need some more convincing. Reviews often seal the deal and act as another form of sales, when your future residents just need more confirmation. Enhancing your marketing strategy by actively managing your Google Business Profile can directly influence your property’s online visibility and attract more prospective residents. Let your apartment reviews act as an extension of your leasing team and speak for themselves!

The Direct Impact of Google Reviews on Apartment Occupancy Rates

Case Study: Boosting Occupancy Rates Through Google Reviews

Source: Apartment Management Case Studies by ReviewTrackers

Challenge: A mid-sized apartment complex in Chicago was struggling with a low occupancy rate of around 60%. They had a few Google reviews, but most were negative, focusing on poor maintenance and unresponsive management.

Solution: The management decided to focus on improving their Google reviews. They started by addressing the existing negative reviews and resolving the issues mentioned. Then, they encouraged satisfied tenants to leave positive reviews by sending out emails after successful maintenance requests or community events.

Outcome: Within six months, the apartment complex saw its Google rating improve from 2.5 to 4.2 stars. The occupancy rate also increased to 85%.

Insights: The management overcame the challenge by actively engaging with their online reputation. They not only addressed negative reviews but also proactively sought positive ones. This strategy not only improved their online image but also had a direct impact on their occupancy rates.

Online Reputation Management: A Necessity, Not a Choice

Nothing may impact your leasing growth more than negative reviews. A prospect who is fully confident in everything your property has to offer can be turned away by seeing negative reviews. When your community consistently receives unfavorable feedback, it’s essential to explore strategies to generate more positive apartment reviews. Many properties boast content residents who truly appreciate their living environment.

Nevertheless, without the right strategies in place, these satisfied residents might not share their positive experiences. From popular search engines like Google to Bing, potential tenants often seek additional insights about your community. As reviews play a crucial role in influencing leasing decisions, it’s imperative not to overlook the significance of fostering exceptional resident testimonials.

Reputation as an Asset

The right reputation management strategy will help you acquire new tenants! With a better reputation, you can attract more residents on closer leases. You will also avoid negative PR and you will have a more positive presence in your community and online. It is very likely that as your reviews get better, your property and property income will increase as well.

Apartment Google reviews

How to Encourage Tenants to Leave Google Reviews

Timing Is Everything

When you’re crafting your apartment review strategy, nothing is more important than your timing. Many of your current residents are willing to leave a positive review, but they’re busy people and often see it as inconvenient. By making the review process streamlined, and well-timed, you can ensure that you’re capturing all of the positive moments to get more reviews.

One of the best recommendations is to send out email blasts with review requests after all positive interactions with your residents. For example, if you complete a maintenance request or host a resident event, place capturing more reviews at the forefront. You can also consider a review QR code that you can keep in your leasing office for happy residents to scan and easily leave a review! 

Incentivizing Reviews

The legalities surrounding incentivizing apartment reviews can be very complex and vary depending on certain regulations within your area. In general, incentivizing reviews can be legal if done transparently and without violating any laws.

In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines that require disclosure of any material connection between the reviewer and the business. This means that if you provide incentives for reviews, it should be clearly disclosed by the reviewer. Incentives should not lead to false or misleading reviews. You cannot offer incentives in exchange for positive reviews, as this can be considered deceptive advertising. If you do offer an incentive, you have to ensure that it’s for all reviews. 

Be sure that you have clear terms of your incentive, and that it is clearly and transparently communicated. Incentives can definitely make a large difference when collecting reviews. Ensure that you approach it correctly and do not cut corners by any means, as that can result in negative impacts on your SEO rankings.

Making the Process Easy

To improve your review collection, it’s crucial to streamline the review process for your residents. Given people’s hectic daily schedules, coupled with the possibility that some community members may be unsure about how to leave a review, it’s essential to provide clear guidance. Transparency is key in letting your residents know where they can share their positive feedback. By establishing straightforward steps, you can offer residents precise directions. If you notice a low review participation rate, consider simplifying the process by directing your residents to a single review platform, potentially reducing barriers to leaving their feedback.

Managing Negative Reviews

The truth is that you might not be able to avoid getting negative reviews, but you can create an active plan on how you will manage them. A negative review is not the end of the world, and it may give your community an opportunity to showcase more of your community’s values. Using the tips below, you can ensure that you’re on a path to take every negative review to a positive one!

  • Immediate Response

Whenever you receive a negative Google review, work on responding immediately. Well-managed reviews that are responded to in a timely manner show that your community cares. It also demonstrates to your future residents that you are willing to solve problems and be transparent about what occurs.

  • Resolution Strategies

When you respond to your negative reviews, consider leaving a resolution or offer additional support for that individual to work with your team. You want to be sure to display that your leasing team is willing to make amends and provide additional resources. You can also cross-check the legitimacy of the review, and ensure it was from a resident in your community.

  • Learning and Improvement

The best approach to responding to negative reviews is to always take accountability as a community. You want to show your future residents that you are going to take feedback seriously, and learn and make improvements. Since there is so much online noise, transparency goes the extra mile for your current and future residents

How to Leverage Google Reviews for Apartment Marketing

Requesting Reviews:

The best way to request apartment reviews is to make the process as simple and unobtrusive as possible for your residents. Begin by providing exceptional service and creating a positive living experience so that residents naturally feel inclined to share their feedback. Then, send a polite and personalized email or message requesting a review, emphasizing the importance of their input. Include direct links to the review platforms, such as Google or Yelp, to eliminate any barriers to leaving a review.

Offer incentives cautiously, ensuring they do not influence the tone or content of the review and that you comply with legal regulations. Timing is crucial; request reviews after a positive interaction or a resident’s notable experience to capture their enthusiasm. Be responsive to any inquiries or concerns, and express gratitude for their time and feedback, fostering a sense of community and reciprocity.

Responding to Reviews:

When you engage with individuals online, you effectively represent the apartment community’s voice. It’s vital to maintain a professional and courteous tone in all your responses. Addressing negative reviews not only garners appreciation from the reviewer but also demonstrates your commitment to addressing any concerns people may have. Understandably, there may be situations beyond your control or guided by company policies. In such instances, a response like this can be helpful: “We regret any unfavorable experiences at our apartment community.

Feel free to contact me directly via email for a more in-depth discussion.” This approach conveys your dedication to resolving issues privately and efficiently, sparing unnecessary public details while affording both parties an opportunity to address concerns and ideally reach a resolution.

Responding to apartment Google reviews.

Leveraging Google Reviews in Marketing Campaigns

Google reviews can act as your best friend in your apartment advertising campaigns! Be sure that you are incorporating your reviews into all of your marketing materials. When you get a positive review from one of your residents, you want to be sure to broadcast that for others to see! Marketing your reviews can make sure that more people see how wonderful your community is. 

  • Social Proof in Advertising

Social proof in advertising is a powerful psychological concept that leverages the influence of others’ behavior and opinions to persuade potential customers. It operates on the idea that people tend to make choices based on the actions and recommendations of those around them. In advertising, social proof is often presented through customer reviews, testimonials, ratings, user-generated content, or statistics like “millions served.”

By showcasing positive experiences and endorsements from satisfied customers, brands build trust and credibility, reassuring prospects that their product or service is a reliable choice. Social proof taps into the human desire to follow the crowd and minimizes the perceived risk of making a wrong decision, ultimately motivating consumers to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or engaging with a brand.

  • Reviews in Email Marketing

Sending out email blasts with your reviews is one of the ultimate ways to get them in front of more eyes! Start by creating a well-designed graphic or email template that showcases your positive reviews. From here, you can target your current leads and create a catchy subject line. Consider sending these out regularly so that you can bring your great reviews to more prospects! 

  • Incorporating Reviews in Landing Pages

To incorporate reviews into a landing page effectively, start by selecting compelling and relevant testimonials that align with your page’s goals. Place them prominently, typically near the top or strategically within the page layout to catch visitors’ attention. Use engaging headlines to summarize key points from the reviews, and include the names and, if possible, photos of the reviewers for authenticity. You can also add star ratings or visual cues to emphasize the sentiments of the reviews.

Group reviews by categories or use cases to provide context, making it easier for visitors to find the most relevant feedback. Ensure a balanced integration with other content, so reviews complement rather than overwhelm the overall message. Follow the review section with a clear and persuasive call to action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up. Regularly update the reviews to keep the content fresh, and ensure mobile optimization for a seamless user experience, ultimately leveraging reviews to build trust and drive conversions on your landing page.

Legal Considerations

  1. Fake Reviews

The process of addressing fake reviews needs to respect both the rights of individuals to express their opinions and the legal obligations of businesses. When confronted with fake reviews, businesses should be cautious not to engage in any retaliatory or defamatory responses, as this can lead to legal troubles. Instead, they should focus on reporting the fraudulent reviews to the platform administrators, who typically have policies against fake or misleading content and can remove such reviews.

Pursuing legal action, such as defamation claims or cease and desist letters, should be considered only when absolutely necessary and after seeking legal counsel, as it can be a complex and lengthy process. Ensuring evidence preservation is vital for potential legal action, and businesses must be aware of the specific laws and regulations in their jurisdiction that govern online reviews and defamation.

2. Responding to Reviews

Legal considerations when responding to reviews revolve around maintaining a balance between addressing customer feedback and avoiding potential legal pitfalls. It’s crucial to respond professionally, calmly, and without personal attacks, as inflammatory or defamatory responses can lead to legal repercussions. Furthermore, respect users’ privacy and confidentiality by refraining from sharing personal information or details about their experiences without their consent.

Avoid making false statements or claims about your business, product, or services, as these can result in accusations of false advertising. Be cautious about the use of incentives or offers in exchange for removing or changing reviews, as this can raise ethical and potentially legal concerns. Overall, businesses should be aware of defamation, privacy, and other relevant laws when responding to reviews to maintain a positive online reputation while staying within legal boundaries.

3. Compliance with Fair Housing Law

To maintain compliance with fair housing laws in the context of apartment reviews, it is crucial to prevent discrimination and uphold the principles of fair housing. These laws aim to prevent discrimination based on factors such as race, color, national origin, religion, gender, familial status, and disability. To ensure compliance, it is essential that responses to reviews and interactions with prospective tenants remain free from any favoritism or bias. In addressing concerns raised in reviews, maintain fairness and consistency, and treat all tenants equally. For a comprehensive understanding of fair housing laws and to avoid any inadvertent breaches, consider further reviewing the guidelines and regulations to stay within legal boundaries.

Google Reviews vs. Other Review Platforms

Google Reviews, Yelp, and Facebook are all popular online review platforms, each with its own distinct features and advantages.

Google Reviews:

Google Reviews have high visibility due to Google’s extensive reach as a search engine. Reviews are often prominently displayed in Google search results and on Google Maps. They seamlessly integrate with Google My Business, allowing businesses to manage their online presence and customer reviews within a single platform. Google Reviews are often seen as highly credible due to their association with Google. Star ratings and review counts impact a business’s search ranking. Positive Google Reviews can significantly improve a business’s local search engine optimization, making it easier for potential customers to find and trust a business.


Yelp primarily focuses on reviews for restaurants, bars, and local services, making it a go-to platform for users seeking recommendations in these categories. Yelp has a strong user community and encourages detailed reviews, making it valuable for in-depth information and insights. Yelp employs a review filter to reduce fake or spammy reviews, aiming to maintain the quality of the platform. Yelp offers advertising options for businesses to promote their profiles and reach a wider audience.


Facebook reviews are part of a user’s social network, and reviews can be easily seen by a user’s friends and connections, providing a level of personalization and trust. Many businesses already have a social media presence, so reviews can be conveniently posted and accessed on their Facebook page. Facebook allows businesses to respond to reviews directly, fostering engagement and interaction with customers. Positive reviews and high ratings can enhance a business’s credibility and reputation on the platform.

The choice between these platforms depends on the nature of the business and its target audience. Many businesses find value in managing their presence across multiple platforms to reach a wider range of potential customers and engage with their audience effectively.

Google apartment reviews.

Online Reputation Management

Online reputation management is essential for apartments because it directly influences a property’s ability to attract and retain tenants. In an increasingly digital world, prospective tenants often turn to online reviews and ratings when making housing decisions. A positive online reputation, reflected in high ratings and glowing reviews, instills trust and confidence, enticing potential renters to choose a particular apartment complex. Conversely, a negative or neglected online reputation can deter prospective tenants, impacting occupancy rates and revenue.

Effective reputation management involves addressing feedback, maintaining a strong online presence, and promptly resolving issues, ultimately fostering a positive image that translates into higher tenant satisfaction, increased lease renewals, and improved financial performance for apartment communities.

Choosing the Right Online Review Management Service

Many properties simply do not have the time to manage their reviews and need to hire a third party to assist them. When selecting your reputation management team, ensure that they provide you with the right package. They should monitor your brand buzz, plan and identify ways you can improve your review, and connect and engage with your reviews. They can also help you develop ways to gain more reviews and consult you on any gaps that are currently within your review strategy!

Cost vs. Value

Skimping on reputation management can prove costly in the long run as it leaves a property or business vulnerable to a host of negative consequences. Without effective reputation management, negative online feedback can accumulate and tarnish an organization’s image, leading to lost trust and potential customers or tenants opting for competitors. The impact can be felt through reduced sales, lower occupancy rates, and decreased revenue. 

Additionally, damage control efforts after a reputation crisis can be expensive and time-consuming. In contrast, investing in proactive reputation management not only mitigates risks but also fosters a positive image that attracts and retains customers or tenants, ultimately resulting in higher profitability and long-term sustainability. Strong search engine marketing is an invaluable asset that can significantly outweigh the initial costs of diligent management.

Why Market Apartments Reputation Management is the Best Fit for You

Market Apartments is committed to bringing you professional and thoughtful review management, that will also take the burden of reviews off of your shoulders. Stay ahead of your competitors by distinguishing your apartment community as the industry leader. With a multitude of social media platforms available, we’ll assist you in harnessing the most impactful ones. For instance, consider how our expertise extends to optimizing your apartment community’s online reputation through Google My Business.

Ignoring your apartment reviews is possibly the biggest mistake that you can make in today’s apartment leasing! With a strategic approach, you can gain more positive reviews, mitigate negative reviews, and leverage your reviews as a way to get more residents. The right reputation management service will ensure that you have constant monitoring and the right methods in place. Don’t neglect your online reputation, as there can be a serious long-term impact on your property!

Take control of your online reputation today with our specialized service.


How often should I check my Google Reviews?

Regularly monitoring your Google Reviews is crucial for maintaining your online reputation and addressing any issues promptly. Aim to check your reviews at least once a week, or more frequently if possible. Set up email alerts or notifications to stay updated on new reviews. Timely responses to reviews, whether positive or negative, can demonstrate your commitment to customer feedback and help manage your online image effectively.

Is it ethical to ask for reviews?

It is generally ethical to ask for reviews as long as you do so transparently and without pressure. Requesting feedback is a common practice, but it’s essential to avoid any form of manipulation or incentives that may compromise the authenticity of the reviews. Encourage honest and unbiased reviews, and make it clear that there is no obligation to leave a positive review. Ensure your requests are polite and respectful of your customers’ time and choices.

How do I handle fake reviews?

Handling fake reviews involves a careful and structured approach. Start by reporting the fake review to the platform (e.g., Google, Yelp) and provide evidence that it is fraudulent. Many platforms have mechanisms for disputing or removing fake reviews. Additionally, consider responding professionally and calmly, addressing the issue without engaging in arguments. If possible, encourage genuine customers to leave more authentic reviews to offset the impact of the fake ones.

What is the impact of star ratings on click-through rates?

Star ratings have a significant impact on click-through rates (CTR). The more star ratings that you have, the better your website will rank on the search engines. Star ratings can also be extremely intriguing and can lead to new traffic to your website!

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This post was written by

Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.

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