Google's impact on apartment advertising

Google’s Impact and Trends in Apartment Advertising

July 10, 2019 9:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts
Last Modified: May 22, 2024 4:23 pm
Reading Time: 10 minutes

Google is constantly making changes to improve the user experience and deliver better results for its users, which means better content and better answers.  But it also means that Google’s impact on apartment advertising is continually evolving.

With Google being the most widely used search engine by far, businesses and marketers alike need to keep up with the changes. Every shift in the algorithm can affect apartment marketing trends and how you reach renters. So, what’s new with Google?

Well, a few things! Google is always trying to provide users with results that are closer to what they are searching for. I’ve seen how small changes in search algorithms can significantly shift the way apartment complexes are marketing online. We’ll go through exactly how Google is doing this, and what it means for the apartment industry, so let’s get to it.

What’s new with Google?Google Seacrh Bar

Google is always on the move, introducing features and updates that significantly affect how users find information online. For apartment marketers, staying ahead means understanding these changes and leveraging them to improve visibility and engagement. Here’s a breakdown of the latest Google innovations that you need to know:

Enhanced Local Search Features

Most renters start their journey by finding apartments online, showcasing just how important a digital presence is for apartment communities. About 76% of people who do a local search on their smartphone visit a physical place within 24 hours, and 28% of those searches result in a purchase. That could be huge for apartments looking to increase their occupancy. 

With that, Google has ramped up its focus on local search, recognizing the importance of geographical relevance in searches. For the apartment industry, this means new opportunities to appear in local search results through detailed and accurate Google My Business listings, clear representation on Maps, local keywords optimization, and engaging local content that resonates with potential renters in specific areas.

Improved User Experience Signals

Google’s recent updates put a stronger emphasis on page experience signals, including website speed, mobile-friendliness, and safe browsing. For apartment websites, making sure you have a seamless and fast user experience is super important. This includes optimizing images, using responsive design, and enhancing site security to meet Google’s Core Web Vitals standards.

More Sophisticated Search Algorithms

Google’s search algorithms are becoming increasingly sophisticated, prioritizing content that offers genuine value to users. For marketers, this underscores the importance of creating high-quality, informative content that addresses the needs and questions of prospective tenants.

Think beyond simple listings to articles, guides, and videos about living in your apartment community and the surrounding neighborhood. Offer real value to your prospects. Not only with search algorithms recognize that, but renters will too. 

Conversational Search Patterns and Voice Search

With 20% of mobile queries being voice searches, optimizing for natural language and question-based searches can capture this growing audience. Apartment marketers should focus on natural language content that follows conversational search patterns. In other words, write how you talk. Keeping it conversational makes it easier for potential tenants to find relevant information (whether they use voice search or not) because it follows the way they naturally ask questions.

Increased Visibility for High-Quality Video Content

With the rise of video content in search results, Google is giving priority to websites that offer engaging and informative video tours, testimonials, and neighborhood guides. For apartment communities, producing high-quality video content can boost online presence, engage potential tenants, and provide a competitive edge in search results.

Local Search Optimization

Local businesses are given priority in Google’s local search algorithm because they are situated close to the consumer. This is crucial in the multifamily industry because renters frequently search for apartments in particular areas. Landlords can enhance their Google My Business listing to show up for relevant keywords in local search results like Maps.

Providing complete and correct details about the property, such as the address, opening hours, and phone number, is part of this. As Google takes into account both the amount and quality of reviews when prioritizing local search results, landlords and property managers can also encourage tenants to provide feedback.

Property managers should also make sure that their website is optimized for local search, which includes incorporating locally relevant keywords and content. Everything that points to where you’re located is helpful. 

Google’s Algorithms

Because Google’s algorithms are always changing, apartment communities have to adapt their marketing plans in order to remain competitive. Recent changes to Google’s search algorithm, for instance, have increased the emphasis on user experience and content quality, encouraging things like user-focused content and and making the user experience on the page better.

The way apartment buildings advertise themselves online has also changed as a result of these changes. Apartment complexes might benefit from local SEO to boost their visibility to prospective tenants, given Google’s concentration on local search results. They have to do this by adding pertinent keywords and details about their location, amenities, and pricing to their website and online listings.

Online reviews and ratings have become an important part of apartment marketing as a result of Google’s algorithms. Apartment complexes have to set a priority on maintaining positive reviews and responding to negative feedback as soon as possible because Google has integrated reviews into search results and Google Maps. This has prompted the adoption of social media and other online channels to interact with renters and promote positive feedback, as well as the growth of reputation management tactics.

How does it affect Apartment Marketing Trends?google marketing trends data

So how does this benefit your apartment community? Well, with these awesome new updates, Google is giving your websites the chance to shine.

If your apartment website was already ranking high with Google, then you shouldn’t be affected. Keep up the good work! However, if you find your website to be on the last pages of Google search results, then now is the time to act. With compelling and relevant content and sufficient keywords, your apartment community can end up closer to the first or second page of Google results.

You may also want to consider using Google Ads to get you there even quicker! If you’re interested in taking advantage of these Google updates with PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads, contact our SEO specialists today!

Turn Google Apartment Marketing Trends into Experience-Driven Results

Apartment complexes should focus on making each prospective tenants’ experience a priority if they want to convert Google apartment marketing trends into real outcomes. A user-centered approach helps you do that. It involves paying attention to their needs and their experience at each stage of the apartment search and lease process.

One strategy is to take advantage of Google’s focus on user experience and content quality. Apartments can produce interesting and instructive content that addresses the most frequent questions and worries of potential renters, like those regarding floor plans, amenities, and cost. You can also localize your website and online listings, making it simple for users to find you when looking for apartments nearby.

By implementing a user-centric strategy and using Google’s apartment marketing trends, you can produce results for your apartments that are based on the user’s experience and stand out in a crowded market.

Latest Apartment Products and Services

Success in the apartment marketing industry depends on being up-to-date with Google trends. One major trend that has developed in recent years is mobile optimization. With 80% of apartment hunters using mobile devices, mobile advertising has become a critical strategy for reaching potential renters. Because more and more potential tenants are looking for apartments on their smartphones and tablets, you have to make sure that your property websites are user- and mobile-friendly.

Leveraging video content is another trend that has surfaced in apartment marketing. In order to give potential renters a better idea of what it might be like to live in the complex before even visiting, video tours of the apartments and amenities are becoming more and more common. Because of Google’s focus on user experience and content quality, producing excellent video content can help apartment buildings stand out and draw in more prospective renters.

Online Reputation Management

The significance of online reputation management has also become an evolving multifamily trend. Property managers at apartment complexes are compelled to actively manage their internet reputation through review sites like Yelp and Google My Business as more and more prospective tenants conduct online research before making a decision. In order to raise the complex’s overall rating, you need to keep an eye on reviews, reply to them, and motivate tenants to leave positive ones.

Pay attention to the kinds of messages your renters send you. Saying something as basic as “Thanks for your review!” shows that you are paying attention and that you care. If someone brings up a problem, resolve it, and then inform them. Besides transforming a bad review into a positive one, this shows potential tenants that you are proactive and can resolve issues as they come up. 

The Role of User-Generated Content in Local SEO

In terms of local search engine optimization, user-generated content (UGC), such as reviews and testimonials, is huge. It makes sense: You check reviews when you’re looking for a place to live, right? Renters’ positive reviews will do wonders for your search engine rankings.

Google values it when actual individuals support your quality claims, which is why your rankings can improve with good reviews. They show you are reliable, dependable, and active as a business. How can you encourage your renters to brag about their experiences? Make the community feel like home to them. Address issues promptly and then go above and beyond so you deserve those rave evaluations from them. Then ask them! Remind them how much a review can help your business. And here’s a helpful hint: make it easy for people to leave reviews on your Google profile by linking to it on your website.

Google Ads Changes

Google Ads remains a cornerstone for driving targeted traffic and leads for apartment communities. With Google continuously refining and expanding its advertising platform, staying on top of the latest features and strategies is essential for maximizing your marketing efforts. Leveraging Google Ads apartment industry insights can help marketers refine their strategies to attract more potential tenants efficiently.

Here are key developments and best practices in Google Ads that apartment marketers should leverage:

Enhanced Targeting Options

Google Ads now offers more sophisticated targeting capabilities to reach potential renters more effectively. Use Customer Match to re-engage individuals who have previously interacted with your property, and explore Detailed Demographics for deeper insights into your audience’s lifestyle and habits. This makes it possible to have more personalized and relevant ad experiences.

Smart Bidding Strategies

Harness the power of Smart Bidding, a set of automated bid strategies that use machine learning to optimize for conversions in real-time. Strategies like Maximize Conversions and Target CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) take the guesswork out of setting bids and aim to get the most value out of your budget, ensuring that your ads reach potential tenants at the optimal time.

Responsive Search Ads

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) are a game-changer, allowing you to create ads that adapt to show more relevant messages to your prospects. By entering multiple headlines and descriptions, Google Ads automatically tests different combinations and learns which variations perform best, maximizing your visibility and engagement rates.

Local Campaigns

For apartment communities, local visibility is crucial. Local Campaigns are specifically designed to drive actions such as calls, visits to your leasing office, or online inquiries. By optimizing across Google’s properties, including Search, Maps, YouTube, and the Display Network, Local Campaigns ensure your ads are prominently featured where potential renters are most likely to engage.

Optimizing your apartment listings with local SEO strategies like these can lead to a 70% increase in website traffic, significantly boosting online visibility.

Video & Display Advertising

Expand your reach beyond traditional search ads with Video and Display Advertising. Use YouTube to showcase virtual tours of your apartments and amenities, and employ Display Ads to keep your community top-of-mind with prospects as they browse the web. Both formats are instrumental in building brand awareness and nurturing interest among potential renters.

Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns offer a new way to access all Google Ads inventory from a single campaign, optimized towards your performance goals using Google’s AI and machine learning technologies. This is particularly useful for apartment marketers looking to drive more leads and tours, as it simplifies campaign management while maximizing reach across potential renters.

Declining Multifamily Marketing Trends

Apartment flyers, signs, and brochures have long been well-liked marketing strategies for multifamily buildings, and they are still popular in the market. These resources can be used to promote available apartments, emphasize a property’s features and facilities, and give prospective tenants important details about the neighborhood. However, in today’s digital age, they are not enough. 

Multifamily marketing has been trending toward digital platforms including social media, email marketing, and internet listings. These strategies coupled with search engine optimization are really the way of the future. 

Upcoming Google Updates and Their Impact

Peeking into the future of Google updates feels a bit like trying to catch a glimpse of the horizon on a foggy morning. But, understanding these potential trends is key for anyone in the apartment marketing game.

Google is working to reward websites that deliver a standout user experience with valuable, fresh content written by professionals who have first hand experience. The impact of that on apartment marketing strategies is going to be significant.

Imagine this: Google might soon further refine its algorithms to prioritize not just the relevance and quality of content but also the engagement it drives. This means apartment marketers need to think about creating content that doesn’t just sit there but actually encourages interaction.

Another area to watch is the evolving role of AI and machine learning in search processes. Google is already using these technologies to understand and match search queries with content in more nuanced ways. For apartment marketers, this suggests a shift towards more natural, conversational content. It’s about moving beyond keyword stuffing to writing in a way that mirrors how potential tenants talk and ask questions in real life.

Lastly, let’s not forget the visual content revolution. Google’s increasing preference for video in search results hints at a future where virtual tours and video testimonials could become even more crucial in capturing the attention of potential renters. So, as you gear up for future Google updates, think about how you can make your content more engaging, conversational, and visually appealing. It’s these elements that will likely steer the ship in the right direction, keeping your apartment community visible and attractive to future tenants.

To Conclude

To wrap up our journey through the nuances of apartment advertising in the digital age, remember how important it is to stay current. Digital marketing changes all the time, so it’s important to keep up with the trends. Embracing Google’s updates, focusing on high-quality content, and understanding the importance of a user-centered approach are crucial. Always look for ways to improve and adapt to stay competitive.

Google is the number one search engine prospects use to find your apartment communities. Don’t miss out on leads by not taking advantage of all Google offers your business. At Market Apartments, we are constantly looking at new apartment marketing trends and staying up to date on the changes with Google, as well as other resources used to bring in leads. So, if you’ve still got questions or are looking for ranking or local listing help, reach out. 

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to be on the lookout for all things apartment marketing. We find ways to bring apartment communities more leads and keep their current residents happy!

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This post was written by

Isabella Housel

Isabella Housel is a passionate and versatile professional writer with a deep love for words and a commitment to crafting compelling content that engages, informs, and inspires. With many years of experience in the industry, she has honed her skills across various genres, from creative storytelling to informative articles and technical documentation.

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