content marketing
Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Apartment Marketing

Reading Time: 13 minutes Apartment SEO is the process of optimizing a real estate website, particularly for apartments, to rank higher in search engine results. You want residents to be able to find you online and this makes sure they can. It involves tailoring your content, keywords, and website design to meet the specific needs of apartment seekers. SEO in real estate has evolved with digital marketing trends, shifting from a basic website presence to sophisticated strategies that include local SEO, mobile optimization, and content marketing. You don’t want your property to be left behind. 53% of traffic to multifamily websites comes from organic... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Chandra Lloyd by Chandra Lloyd | November 30, 2022
Google's impact on apartment advertising
Google’s Impact and Trends in Apartment Advertising

Reading Time: 10 minutes Google is constantly making changes to improve the user experience and deliver better results for its users, which means better content and better answers.  But it also means that Google’s impact on apartment advertising is continually evolving. With Google being the most widely used search engine by far, businesses and marketers alike need to keep up with the changes. Every shift in the algorithm can affect apartment marketing trends and how you reach renters. So, what’s new with Google? Well, a few things! Google is always trying to provide users with results that are closer to what they are searching... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | July 10, 2019
content is everything
Content Marketing Guide for Apartment Communities

Reading Time: 14 minutes Whether you’re a seasoned SEO expert or new to the digital world, this guide aims to elevate your content marketing game. We go beyond the basics to reveal the essential strategies that directly impact your online visibility. Why is this crucial? In today’s digital era, your online presence is essentially your business card. It’s the magnet that attracts potential tenants to explore your property listings. But let’s face it, the digital landscape is a battlefield, and you’re competing against countless others for that ighly sought-after first page of Google search results. That’s precisely why this guide is meticulously designed to... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Isabella Housel by Isabella Housel | June 19, 2019
Best Rental Marketing Ideas for Property Managers
18 Best Rental Marketing Ideas for Property Managers

Reading Time: 17 minutes As a property manager, there is a lot of pressure to stay ahead of the game when marketing your rentals. You have to be able to adapt to the ever-changing digital world and understand just how much your prospects are relying on a strong online presence when searching for a property. Staying on top of marketing trends helps you maximize your time and resources for the upcoming years. But, finding the best rental marketing ideas for property managers can take a lot of time. We understand that staying trendy while trying to manage your property can keep your hands full.... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Chandra Lloyd by Chandra Lloyd | November 9, 2018
Apartment Blog Advice
5 Blogging Tips for Apartment Websites

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve joined the blog bandwagon for your apartment website (which, by the way, you should. A new study came out revealing that businesses who blog receive 67% more leads than those who don’t), then you might be wondering why you’re not getting more traffic or more leads, how to write a blog that attracts users. The short answer is: that generating quality content for blogging is hard. It takes a lot more work than it seems to write a blog post that is informative, attention-grabbing, and relevant. To make your job a little easier, here are 5 quick and... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Market Apartments by Market Apartments | March 30, 2018
How to set up your own social media campaign for apartments
How-to: Setting Up a Social Media Calendar

Reading Time: 5 minutes Social Media Calendars: What are they and why do you need them?  In apartment marketing, online presence is important. Facebook, snapchat, pinterest, instagram, and other social media sites can help residents find you and decide to lease from your building. Hubspot recently conducted a survey that found that 80% of businesses say that social media increased traffic to their websites. So let’s say you’ve hopped on the social media bandwagon, and now need a way to stay organized. How much should you be posting, and how often? What time of day? How will you keep everything organized? While sites like... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: Market Apartments by Market Apartments | September 12, 2017