Easy ways to save on your apartment air conditioning
Posted on June 1, 2022   |    Last Modified: April 11, 2024 4:04 pm   |   

Easy Ways To Save On Your Apartment Air Conditioning

Reading Time: 7 minutes In most places, summer is here, which means hotter temperatures and a greater need to save on your apartment air conditioning bill. Many renters are asking how they can save on utilities. It can be easy to forget about your air conditioning and let it run constantly. On average, cooling accounts for about 12% of a typical household’s energy bill. This percentage can be much higher in warmer climates. If you aren’t aware of how much you’re using, you’ll likely be surprised with a large utility bill. Since the cost of rent is increasing in most places, you must have... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: by Isabella Housel

best apartment aesthetic ideas
Posted on July 31, 2020   |    Last Modified: February 13, 2024 4:02 pm   |   

The Best Apartment Aesthetic Ideas

Reading Time: 5 minutes Are you trying to find the perfect aesthetic for your apartment? Do you like more or less clutter? Bold or muted colors? Whatever your preference is, these aesthetics are sure to inspire your next decorating or DIY project for your apartment! 1. Bohemian Inspired Aesthetic This type of room involves colors and elements from Mother Earth! Neutral tones, gold elements, plants, and natural lighting are just some of the most common elements in a boho-inspired apartment. The term “boho” actually refers to artists and intellectuals who live with minimal possessions and prefer living away from big cities. Bohemian-inspired apartments involve... View Article

Apartment Marketing Specialist: by Isabella Housel